Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Day 12 - Falling Down

I wasn't sure how much of the day I'd missed by being in a mine far underground, but the sun didn't appear to be very high in the sky so I guessed not much. I looked back at my overnight home as I set off.
I continued on my desert-river exploration, wondering how long it would continue before I got back to a wider body of water. After a few twists and turns, I encountered a lone creeper who threw himself onto my sword.
And then, finally, ahead I could see the river widening out and a whole new tree-filled area becoming visible.
I still had a few bits of desert to navigate, but then I was stepping off the sand and onto grass. Or at least I would be if my way wasn't blocked by a tree and a protective cow.
Yes, it was nice to be out of the desert, but now I was having to wind my way through the trees, or hack my way through their leaves when they were too thick to go round. I passed an interesting looking ravine carved into the hillside beside the shore, with a tree growing at the bottom of it.
I now appeared to be following another river, slightly narrower than the desert one. It curved around taking me past the other end of the ravine and on through the trees.
It was not long after I'd taken this picture that I noticed a large hole carved into the landscape. I wandered over to get a closer look. It was enormous.
I inched my way forwards, trying to get a look over the edge to see how deep it went, my finger glued to the sneak key to prevent me falling in. Oops. Either I wasn't holding down the key I thought I was, or I wasn't pressing it well enough or something. I plummeted into the depths!
As I found myself standing at the bottom of the hole, one little heart of life remaining, looking back up at the surface way above me, I realised I couldn't remember when I'd last slept. If the fall had killed me I'd have probably woken up miles from here and had to spend a day or two retracing my steps.

My next problem was how to get out. There were a lot of overhangs above me, which would be annoying if I tried to carve out steps. I decided to have a look around. A cave went in a vaguely upwards direction, so I headed in, planting torches to light my way. Ahead, I could see sunlight - this might be an escape route.
It was. I emerged, blinking, into the trees. Now where was the river from here?
I soon found it, edged by the blocks I place as I travel. I moved on. My unexpected diversion had eaten into the daylight hours and it was already dusk. I found a small hollow to put a home in.

Naturally at this point I completely forgot I hadn't slept for several nights and set about digging a network of tunnels.
Having discovered precisely nothing, I went back to the entrance to make a bed but was surprised by a knock* at the door. It was a pig, wanting to come in.
This was unusual. I put in a window beside the door to get a better view and now I could see why the pig wanted to come in. It was being poked by a skeleton's bow and arrow.
And then the sun came up, the pig ran off and the skeleton burst into flames.

* The pig might not have actually knocked, but it was at the door so I'm sure if it could have it would have.

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