I was determined to make better progress today and maybe travel far enough that I couldn't actually see the first mountain any more. I left immediately and started swimming around the base of the cliff outside my cave. There was a lot of zombie noise around here, and I spotted a mossy cobblestone block jutting out of the cliff. This is a sign of a dungeon, probably packed with bad guys and treasures.
As tempting as it was, conquering dungeons was not on my "to do" list for today. I had travelling to do! It would have to wait for my return, whenever that may be. I continued on my way.
The shore curved around to the left and I soon found myself just across the water from my first night mountain! Would I never escape this place?!
As it turned out, yes. This would be my last view of it for a while. I headed deeper into the mountainous area, marvelling at the vast landscape surrounding me. I wondered what the view was like from the top of some of them, but stuck to my goal for today. In one bay I spotted three squid flirting with each other in the water. Above them, behind me, a cave disappeared deep into the cliffs. I moved onwards.
Just around the next corner I looked back and saw this unusual structure.
I didn't get much further before the sun started to get near the horizon so I made a hole in the cliffside and went in for the night.
There was nothing much to report this night. I spent the time sorting out my belongings and deciding what to take with me tomorrow and what to leave behind in a chest. At some point I'll have to get myself some wool and make a bed, otherwise if I'm killed I'll respawn way back at my original starting point. I had this problem on my first round-the-world trip; this was in the days before beds had been added so any time I died I had to spend days travelling just to get back to the last marker I had placed before I could continue. Beds were a very welcome addition! (Sleeping in them resets your spawn point to their location.) For some reason, sheep have not been anywhere near me in the past couple of days, and I don't like to stray too far from the sea in case I get lost. Maybe tomorrow I'll find some.
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