Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Day 3 - Rain, Cliffs And A Mine

It was a rainy morning as I set off to dig my tunnel behind the waterfalls. The weather didn't bother me, as I'd be under shelter for the first part of today's travels.
I dug a long way through the mountain, stopping every so often to check my progress by digging outwards. It seemed like ages before I wasn't confronted by a wall of water and had made it out the other side. It was nice to be out, even if the rain hadn't stopped. I looked back and admired the waterfalls.
Rounding the headland, I had to cross another waterfall - this time I just jumped across, having had enough of the digging behind water for one day. I soon spotted a window in the hillside - this was the far end of the tunnel I'd dug on the first night.
The coastline continued round into a fairly mountainous area with cliffs overhanging the water. I decided to head up and over the top rather than swimming. On my way up to the top I encountered a rather sad looking cow trapped on a small ledge on the side of the cliff.
I gave him a wave and continued up. I had to carve myself a path when it got too steep to climb but eventually made it to the top and looked back at the view towards the mountain where I'd spent my first two nights. I really hadn't come very far.
The shore far below the cliff soon began to turn away from me, so I had to make myself some steps down the side of the vertical face to get back to the water's edge. As I prepared to jump off the lowest step onto the flat ground at the base, a skeleton ran out, firing arrows at me. I leapt off and hit him a few times with my sword, resulting in a few more bones for my collection.
There were a lot of overhangs around here, hiding shadowy areas that could easily contain more things that would want me dead. I placed a few torches to lighten things up a little, then noticed the rain-filled sky was getting even darker. Another day was nearing its end.

I carved myself a nice new cave in one of the cliffs and decided I'd spend this night digging downwards to see if I could find myself some iron. There are a few ways to dig downwards that I tend to use - I try to avoid directly down as you don't know when you might fall into a cavern and sticking ladders on walls uses up wood which I don't want to spend my days gathering. I usually dig either a sprial staircase or a straight-line staircase. Tonight I went for the latter. Very soon I was a long way underground.
Suddenly I broke through into an open area. Unlike the cave I was expecting to find, this appeared to be one of the new abandoned mines that version 1.8 has introduced. Wooden doorways took me between small empty areas with the occasional cobweb in a corner.
I found a few pieces of iron ore, which I dug out. The final piece unleashed a flood of water from a hole in the ceiling, washing me deeper into the mine. I struggled against the current and managed to plug the hole with a piece of cobblestone. Then I realised that there was all this free wood around me. Instead of spending valuable daytime travelling time felling trees I could use my night time down here to gather wood instead.

After stocking up I climbed back up the stairs to see if the sun had risen yet. It had.

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