Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Day 21 - A Dungeon In The Hillside

I set off bright and early, as usual, and it wasn't long before I was greeted by a rare sight - an exposed dungeon in the side of a hill. I wasn't going to pass this by, especially as my route along the shoreline passed within a few blocks of it.
I knocked a hole in the wall to get a look inside. Immediately a swarm of creepers and zombies gathered on the other side of the hole, trying to squeeze themselves through.
This was handy, as I could merrily swing my sword back and forth, chopping them up into little pieces of rotten flesh while standing safely outside. Tum te tum.
Eventually silence fell and all signs of movement had gone. I knew that to "de-activate" the zombie spawner in the middle of the dungeon I had to put some torches around it, so I headed in to do that. There was a hissing noise. Two creepers had been hiding behind a chest in one corner and had now emerged!

I ran backwards as quickly as possible, blinding waving my sword in their general direction as I went. Somehow I managed to take care of them both without losing any health or causing either to detonate.
I ransacked the chests and got a few goodies for my troubles - some cocoa beans, some wheat, a couple of saddles, a free bucket, some iron and more gunpowder amongst other things.

I continued on my way, arriving at a refreshing change of scenery. Finally there was a change to the desert/swamp pattern I've been seeing recently - some rolling grassy hills.
It may not be the most exciting landscape ever, but it was a relief to see something different and I did have the feeling I was entering a new phase of my exploration.

The sun set, I dug myself a shelter, found a 40-block seam of coal and then closed my eyes for the night.

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