Monday, 10 October 2011

Day 23 - Monsters And A Lookout Tower

As I left my hideout this morning all seemed quiet and there were no immediate signs of monsters. I was just about to set off when I noticed the shore went right past a small pond with two skeletons wading about in it. As I approached, one leaped out, burst into flames but then cleverly each time he was about to die either jumped back into some water or hid under the leaves of a tree.
His arrows kept flying at me, one or two hitting home, so rather than waiting for the sun to do its magic - which didn't seem to be happening with this particular creature - I dived in and sliced him up myself. Then skeleton number two decided it was his turn and also came at me. While dodging an arrow from him, I spotted a sneaky creeper tiptoeing towards me through the trees.
I dealt with him right away and while I was doing that, the sun took care of the skeleton for me. But then of course another creeper emerged and started hissing in my face.
I put a stop to the hissing before it could turn into exploding, then headed off on my merry way. Rounding the next corner, I was confronted by a spider.
Luckily this was one creature that didn't seem to want a piece of me today, so I ignored it and carried on. The journey today was mostly along shorelines that stuck close to places I had been before - my stone/torch markers were visible on the opposite bank most of the time. I was so disoriented by now that I did not know if I was heading back towards my starting point now or if I was about to head off into more vast unexplored lands. I guess there's no guarantee I'll ever return to my original spawn point - the landscape could continue to generate in such a way that I always get further and further away. But I reckon that's unlikely.

Just as night was falling I discovered a natural rock/dirt formation that vaguely resembled a giant mushroom and figured it would make a good base for the night.
I hollowed out the inside, making some steps up to a "viewing gallery" with windows near the top.
I then put down a bed and - slightly more nervously than usual after last night - went to sleep.

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