Monday, 10 October 2011

Day 22 - A Pleasant Walk And A Disturbed Night

I could hear spiders sounds outside this morning, so I was very wary as I left my home, but they stopped when I left and there was no sign of a spider anywhere outside. Odd.
Today's walk through this Minecraft world was a pleasant one. No monsters to speak of, just a sunny stroll down the side of a winding river, passing grassy hills, flowers, trees and the odd pit full of animals.
I did pass an unsual lava pit only partly exposed to the outside world.
But mostly today's travels looked like this:
Shortly before bedtime I spotted my first mysterious Ender Pearl floating by itself in amongst the trees.
This went into my collection of interesting objects which was starting to take up most of my inventory. I'm not sure what I should leave behind, but for now I don't need to make space so everything is coming with me.

The night was a little more disturbed than normal. I dug out my usual camp, put down a bed and lay down to sleep. But no! I awoke to find it was still dark and a skeleton was jabbing me with his pointy arrows.
This was the first time it had happened on this voyage and usually means the walls of my camp are too thin or too close together or something. Anyway, I killed him quickly and before I had even thought to make the place a bit bigger I had slipped back into sleep. Zombie attack!
Ok, this was getting a bit silly. I enlarged the camp, went back to sleep and luckily made it through to morning without any further incidents.

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